Saturday, February 17, 2018

A Rarer Hoge Fire Chief Car

Sunday, February 18, 2018
Sunny with clouds
+2 C  35.6 F

A Rarer Hoge Fire Chief Car

Wouldn't you know? Last week I posted about my 500,000th page-view milestone. I  invited people to write to me, so that I could create some new and exciting posts. Last evening, I received an  unexpected e-mail from Mr. Tom Wai-Shek. Tom happens to have
 a rare green Hoge Fire Chief Car.

If you go to Wikipedia, you can read all about this American toy company. The Hoge company is no longer in business, but produced several very nice toys during its' time.

Tom has a rare Green Hoge Firer Chief Car, when almost all of them that I have seen were in fact the "typical" fire red colour. Tom asked if I could help him about information about the green car. Initially, I only found the red versions, but at the last minute, I ventured over to Liveauctioneers, and found a green version.  The average price of the red version ranges from $ 200.00- 350.00.
However, the green car that I found only sold for $ 200.00. The range of the red version was 
$ 120.00 - $ 800.00., depending of course on the condition, 
and whether the original box came with the toy.

That "baffled" me, I would have thought that the green rarer version would have sold for more. 
Tom said that he felt that his very rare green car in the very-good /excellent condition should sell for between $ 600.00 - $ 700.00 US dollars. 
However, he isn't selling it, which is a very smart strategy!

Length:  14"  355 mm

Different features of the Red Hoge car

1. Has a spare tire
2. Has a different  logo than the green version
3. Has pressed impressions for the side engine vents
4. Has a wind-up key mechanism for movement
5. Has a different  front bumper
6. Has a more-complex wind-up mechanism with a siren
7. Has treaded rubber tires
8. Is all red
9. Uses 2 size D batteries for electric lights

Different features of the Green Hoge car

1. Has no spare tire
2. Has a different logo than the red version
3. Has lithographed (painted) engine air vents
4. No wind-up key. Works by friction.
5.  Has a different front bumper
6. Has a simple mechanism for movement with a siren
7. Has smooth rubber tires
8. Is 2-toned green in colour
9. Has a very large rear bumper area with vertical perforations
10. Uses1 single size D battery for electric lights

I was thinking that perhaps Tom's car was the first edition for the Hoge fire chief car.
I say this because perhaps the green version was not popular enough because of the colour, and should have been red. 

On the other hand, perhaps the Red version was first. My reason being that it was a far more elaborate model, especially with the 2-battery operation, and the more complex motor. This
would have cost more to produce, and maybe, the company needed to save costs on the toy.

Then again, I'm just guessing, and it's a case of the old expression - 
"which came first, the chicken or the egg?".

In any event, Tom has a fine and rare example of the green version, and I agree with him that he should not sell his version, because of the superb condition of the toy, as well as the rarity!

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