Thursday, January 4, 2018

Revisiting Some of My Old Friends

Thursday, January 4, 2018
-10 C  14 F

Revising Some of My
Old Friends

I had a good idea the other day. It was to revisit some old friends and 
see what they are selling on their websites. I searched on my Google Blogger site for 
ebay and found Mr. Ron Michaud. His store name on ebay is HGA6969

Lehmann 590 Autobus Tin Wind Up Original. Classic German craftsmanship built this wind up tin toy that has stood the test of time. The wind up mechanism works nicely needing a small push, mostly because I never dare wind it very tight. A serious driver handles the steering wheel that actually turns the front wheels left and right. The rear curving stairs and deck are solidly attached. All the markings are clear on this 8" (203 mm) toy showing just the right amount of patina. 

It certainly helps any buyer, when a seller provides many high-quality photos to illustrate
what they are selling, and Ron Michaud does this very well! If you venture over to the link that I is at the top of this page, you will also see lots of nice old toys that he is selling. In the summer, Ron likes to take his toy photos on his front porch that faces his nice landscape. That's how I always recognize his toys for sale on ebay.

Unfortunately, his nice lawn makes me want it to be summer, but that isn't happening for another 
6 months. In the meantime, there is a big storm coming across the eastern part of the United States and Canada tonight, with lots and lots of snow and cold!

Oh well, at least I can dream.......

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
Have a great part of the day or night,
Wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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