Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Mikie70mach on ebay

Thursday, February 1, 2018
Overcast with snow and rain
+2 C  35.6 F

Mikie70mach on ebay

I'm always returning to websites, people, and companies because I know that's where
I will find consistent good results to write the next post. I saw the nice ice truck below, and wrote to the seller. I thought I had contacted him before, but that wasn't the case. Nevertheless, I wrote to him for his permission, which I got. Michael's photography attracted my attention immediately, because it was excellent. Also, he had lots of photos for his listed items, even though the second toy below is offered at a good low price. In other words, Michael likes to present his toys from all angles for the potential buyer to see.

The toy below was the first one that I saw, and the other one I found later. I like them both because they illustrate what trucks from the 1930's looked like.

Arcade Dodge Ice Truck
Painted cast iron with rubber tires
Circa: 1930
Length: 7"  178 mm

Accompanying the listing for the truck below was a photos of an actual Terraplane truck 
from that era. I decided to add it to this post. The toy is not quite 100% looking like the real truck, but it's a good resemblance.

Arcade Terraplane Panel Truck
painted cast iron with rubber tires
Circa: 1930
Length:  4"  102 mm

I'm writing  this post on a Monday. I hope for Tuesday, the weather won't be so bad!
Up here in Montreal,Quebec (Canada), we had a bad ice storm 2 weeks ago which created
a huge "skating ring" all over the city. The ice is still around, and  the forecast for Tuesday is warmer weather with snow and rain. It's that rain that I am worried about. People up here sometimes forget how to drive on ice,  so I'm always acutely aware of the "other  guy" and the distance he is from me - you never know what might happen!

I hope that you enjoyed these 2 small trucks as much as I did writing the post.

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night.

Stacey Bindman

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