Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Antique Toy Collectors of America Inc.

Thursday, November 2, 2017
8 C  46 F

The Antique Toy Collectors of America, Inc. 

 I've written about  The Antique Toy Collectors of America Inc.  (ATCA) before, but never a post.  So when I revisited them, I was amazed to discover that they had a new addition to their website that I hadn't seen before my last visit.  The new addition or section was titled ATCA Toy Catalogs, at the top of the page (please see where the arrow is pointing below).

The mission statement of  ATCA is shown below.

To join ATCA, you must have certain conditions (criteria) which can be found below:

Below is a list of what ATCA is all about, and the advantages for joining ATCA.
You can decide for yourself if this fine resource is for you.

Below is a sample of some of the 57 catalogues that they have on their website. ATCA also is always updating their catalogues as they find them.

Below are some sample book covers and their respective pages

The Gong Bell Company was famous for their toys with bells. 

The Kenton Hardware catalogue is the early one
You can tell it's early from the type of fire "wagons" and horses that are teamed together.

The A. Schoenhut Catalogue from 1905 has a sample page that illustrates samples of circus toys
together with their ladders. I would assume that these toys are hard to find complete with their respective parts.

This Hubley catalogue is from about the late 1930's-early 1940's .
The sample page is of their famous motorcycles. Hubley and many
other manufacturers made lots of these cast-iron toys.

This is a pre-war (WWII) catalogue of the Tippco Company from Germany.
They are famous for their fine airplanes, including three that has lights, operated by a battery.

On the ATCA website, the catalogues are shown in their entirety.
What is great about the ATCA website is being able to check to see who 
might have manufactured them I'm not a member of ATCA, but for some people, this is an
interesting organization that you might consider joining. By being a member, you can write to the organization to help you identify a particular toy, and that's a big help.

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