Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Mr. Submarine

Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Overcast and Rain
21 C 70 Fahrenheit

Mr. Submarine  

 I'm always happy to receive e-mails from collectors or other websites related to toys. I received an e-mail from Mr. Neil McLaren  last week. He had found my website, and asked if I might visit his  submarine website and give my feedback. Naturally, I went to his website and was thoroughly impressed.  As it turns out, Neil makes his own submarines from materials that he finds in all kinds of places. 

"Welcome to Mclaren clockwork submarines, this site is for anyone who has an interest in tinplate clockwork models. All the boats on this site have been made using 100% recycled metals. They are designed and hand built by myself using only basic tools they are fully functional with custom made clockwork motors which I also construct from scrap materials . My submarines are fitted with an internal ballast system together with adjustable diving planes, this gives the boats a broad range of dive capabilities or they can sail just on the surface. For information purposes none of my models are for sale, any reference made on this site to "Sutcliffe", refers to the former Yorkshire manufacturer of pressed steel model boats and submarines."

Below are just some examples of the models that he has made. For "toys" ( although Neil, I'm sure calls them "models", they're very sophisticated, THe models come with gear sets and small cylinders that contain pressured air.  The submarines can sink to the bottom of a bathroom bath, or even a small lake. The timer can be set, so that the submarine will release air and cause the submarine to rise to the surface.

Model U37
Tinplate Clockwork Submarine
Length:  22"  55.88 cm 

Model  U35
Length:  31"  /   78.74 cm
Weight:  9.9 lb.   /   4.5  kg

"This monster has three ballast tanks , its own compressed air system , a clockwork timer to blow the ballast and a clockwork motor turning a coaxial gearbox for its two props . The colossal weight of this submarine is due to the fact that all my boats are dry hulls , therefore the bigger they become the heavier they must be to submerge. The tandem contra rotating prop design is awesome ,  it efficiently deals with the huge power needed to propel the boat , its slow to start but once up to speed its quick. The compressed air tank is charged with a bicycle pump and it can stay submerged for up to an hour."

The set of 4 photos below illustrate how Neil recycles things that he finds or buys.
The clock mechanism is used as a timer for the submarine. The alarm bells were even recycled to make the compressed air tank . Notice how sophisticated the gear mechanism is!

"Does my bomb look big in this??? Whilst U35 may appear as though it should be strapped to the wing of a military aircraft , I can guarantee its nature is purely aquatic . The design is very much in line with modern "Tear Drop" hull construction. I made this because I wanted to try my latest build , a contra rotating coaxial gear box . This double in line prop system does not lend itself to the older style boats ( apart from torpedoes and a Japanese midget submarine ) hence the hull choice. What a ball ache to build though , the gearbox itself requires about 20% of the mainspring output to run so I had to build a very powerful motor to make a viable drive. Should be interesting when its finished.To ensure quality control , every model is subjected to an intense and thorough cat scan."

I didn't want to add too much information or photos. The reason is that it would be best to visit Neil's fabulous website and see for yourself the mastery that Neil has in order to build these models. It's too bad that his models are not for sale, because I'm sure there would be a few people who be interested in buying them.

So that's it for today, and I hope that you enjoy visiting Neil McLaren's website, because it most certainly is worth visiting!

Thanks for dropping by,
And as always, 
Have a great part of the day or night,
Wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman


  1. That's what building models are all about, having fun. He is obviously very talented. When I was a kid i did a lot of the same type of building, finding what ever I could around the house and modifying whatever current model I was working on, but now I just build em out of the box. I should get back to what Mr. McLaren is doing since I'm much older now and have a lot more resource's to choose from now.

  2. Hello James,

    Thanks for commenting.
    I used to build Revell models in the 1950's, as well as making all kinds
    of things from Minibrix and Meccano sets. Later on, I "dabbled"in wood,
    making the odd amulet or animal carving. This was fun and also very relaxing.

    I agree with you that Mr. McLaren is very talented and creative.


    (Mr.) Stacey Bindman
