Wednesday, June 21, 2017

A New Reader Writes Me Again

Tuesday, June 21, 2017
Cloud with Sun
16 C  61 F

A New Reader Writes Me Again


 I'm always happy to  receive mail  from readers. And so it was with Mr. Ezra Walker.  He had found a very small toy car at a tag sale, and wanted to know if I could help him identify the toy. I couldn't but informed him that I would write a post with his permission. 

   The toy is  1 1/2" (37mm) and Ezra estimated the approximate hers of the toy to be around the 1920's-1930's. I'll have to ask Ezra what the toy is made from, but to me it looks like lead, since there are a lot of dents and bends that appear similar to lead when you bend or dent it.

      So that's it for  today, and I hope someone will help identify this small toy.

Thanks for dropping by,
And as always,
Have a great part of the day or night,
Wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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