Saturday, December 3, 2016

Another Way to Search My Blog

Saturday, December 3, 2016
2 C 36 F

Another Way to Search 
My Blog

As of this post, I will have written 1450 posts over a period of 5 years. That's a lot of posts, and having to look to the right of my blog page only gives you titles of posts.That's not always interesting to read through titles to find a post that you are interested in.

Below is a screen-capture of  my posts.
As I said, reading titles, and expanding a month to read more titles may not be the moist interesting for some people, including me.

So below is a screen-capture of a suggestion that I have.
Type in the words "oldantiquetoys" and "blog". When you type the words in and press return, the results will come up for the words that you types.

The image below is  a section of the page above.
Click on the word "images", where the red arrow is pointing to.
What will appear are photos that will be from my blog. The search engine may also  result in other peoples' photos appearing.  My photo are usually recognized by the red copyright notice at the bottom of each photo.

Here are the image results when you click on the word "Images".
The screen-capture is the normal image page view size. However, you can reduce the size of the page by pressing (on an Apple computer) "control" and "-" This will make the viewing page smaller so that you can see many more pictures.

The screen-capture below is a smaller-sized page when the commands "control" and "-" are pressed. You can do this about 3 times in total to get a really small page! On this page, we have many more photos to choose from.

The red arrow is pointing to the image that I want to check on the blog post. It's just an example of a photo that might interest you. You of course, are free to select any image that you want.

This photo is an enlarged image of the previous bus photo. By clicking on the small bus photo, you get this enlarged photo of the bus.

When I clicked on the photo above, I am redirected to the actual post.
This post was written on June 18, 2016. I screen-capturred a portion of the page. You, as the reader can scroll down the page(s) fast to see if you knight be interested in this post.

Below is a screen-capture of the lower part of the post page. 
I scrolled down the page and saw this.

Just to provide more information, I use an iMac by Apple and my browser is Safari. 
My search engine is Google.

Below is the result using the search engine Yahoo. I had to change my previous words of "oldantiquetoys" and blog, and use the full address of my blog:
I then did search results by pressing "images". The results are quite good in Yahoo as well.
I also reduced the size of the page in order to see more photos.

You can press at the bottom of either Yahoo or Google on the words "see more images".
Google will show more photos because Blogger is part of Google, and all my photos can in fact be used by Google.

I tried the search engine Webcrawler, and was surprised. 
I liked how the photos appeared on the page.
 I pressed on the word "images' on the left side to view the results.

Below are the Webcrawler search results. The photos are more spaced out , so there are less photos per page. I found that this search engine's presentation is easier on the eye, and more relaxing.

Below is a screen-capture result for the search engine Excite. I also find the presentation of the photos on th page easier on the eye, and more relaxing from the usual "compression" of other search engines.

I tried a few more search engines as well. I tried (search engine) but it did not have an image search. I also tried,and it had the image feature. Not as many images appeared as with Google or Yahoo. I also tried one search engine (name not provided) that didn't give me any results either as a word result or as an image result. There are a few other search engines, and you might be using one or the other. However, for my purposes, I stay with Google, and occasionally will try other search engines. For myself, Google is the best, because as I mention before, it has access to the thousands of photos that I have added to my blog posts.  When you write a blog, Google specifically informs you that they can use my photos. That's part of using blogger, but it's worth it. 
However, having seen the search result page layout for  Webcrawler and Excite, I might do searches from time to time and use them when I'm researching new toys on the Internet.

Please note: Only Google will redirect you to my blog when you press on a photo (image) result. All the other will not - all you results show are the photos. Pressing on a photo simply leads you to a dead end!

I hope that this post will help some of you who prefer visual stimulation compared to written information. If you have any suggestions as to how better to access  a search engine to find my photos, please feel free to write me. 

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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