Thursday, November 3, 2016

Collectors Weekly - A Collectors Resource

Wednesday, November 2, 2015
Overcast and Cool
7 Celcius 43 Fahrenheit

Collectors Resource
A Collectors Resource

I recently posted about "Collectors Weekly", but decided to expand on a post about their website.
Collectors Weekly is an interesting website that offers readers a chance to read about all kinds of antiques and collectibles. When you do a search, you can even find what you are looking for and also a short narrative about the subject.

The above is a screen-capture for  a search that I did for "model cars".
Notice that there are 4 categories of toys. I chose cast iron for a further search.

The above screen-capture illustrates what I found for cast iron model toys.
I've only represented 2 paragraphs that describe cast iron toys. There were 4 paragraphs in total.
Interestingly,  Collectors Weekly uses live-auction ebay as a link from their website.

The red arrows are pointing to one merchant on ebay by the name of Walnutts.
The blue arrow is pointing to a toy seller on ebay by the name of Toyclaus.
I've had the pleasure to write about both of these fine ebay merchants (sellers).

Walnutts is a family-owned business. The above logo is for their website that is apart from ebay.
On ebay , the family simply goes by walnutts.

When you click on a photo from the Collectors Weekly website, you are redirected to the seller's ebay account. Below is a 1930 Hubley Huber cast iron road steamroller construction toy.

The above screen-capture shows you the other toys that Walnutts is currently selling on ebay.

The above images are from Walnutts ebay  page for the Hubley steamroller.

Toyclaus is another ebay  seller, and that Kenton blue cast iron car is one of their listings.
THe image below is a screen-capture from Collectors Weekly. When you hover your mouse over the photo, the written information appears. And if you press on the blue car photo, you're redirected to ebay .

The toys above are from Toyclaus that currently list on ebay.

The 2 previous photos are from ebay .

If you have a question, you will be redirected to the above page.Once on that page, you have the option to "Show & Tell". That simply means that you can post your own photos of a toy that you might have, or you can write an article, along with your toy photos.

 When you are redirected to "Show & Tell", this is what you get below.
There are 65 people who are either showing their toys, or who have written articles on cast iron toys.

The example below is a "Show & Tell". However, in this case, the presenter simply posted his Hubley cast iron "Hillclimber" with a brief description of his fine toy.

As you can see,  both ebay and Collectors Weekly each benefit from the other. I assume that 
Collectors Weekly is remunerated (paid) for presenting ebay listings, and ebay  benefits by having potential readers of Collectors Weekly being redirected to ebay.

That makes "good business sense"!

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
Have a great time of the day or night,
Wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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