Saturday, October 15, 2016

Some Bing Motor Cars

Sunday, October 16, 2016
Overcast and Raining
16 Celcius 61 Fahrenheit

Some Bing Motor Cars

This is  a post continuing from my previous post of today.This time, the post is about the Bing  motor cars or automobiles. The car photos are courtesy of Bertoia auctions, while  the scanned catalogue images are once again courtesy of New Cavendish Book (first printing 2001).

I purposely left out the written descriptions of the toy photos, so that you would look at the descriptions from the print catalogue of the 1912 edition of "The 1912 Bing Toy Catalogue".

THe photo below is not quite an exact match to its' catalogue scan above, but its' close. The 
photo below could be an earlier (pre-1912) or a later version of the catalogued toy.

The above photo matches the lower left scanned car. However, these is no chauffeur to be found in the car. Either there wasn't one in the toy, or perhaps the car is an earlier or later version simply did not have a chauffeur. Alternatively, the chauffeur could have been lost over the period of 100 years.

I was fortunate to find 2 Bertoia Auctions photos to match this catalogue 
page of the 1912 Bing catalogue. 

The Bertoia Auctions photo is once again lacking a chauffeur. The same reason that I previously mentioned for the top photo could apply to this car. As always, the excellent photography from Bertoia, certainly makes this toy stand out on the page.

So that's it for today.
I hope that you liked the Carrette and Bing catalogue match-ups.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
hyave a great part of the day  or night,
wherever yopu may be.

Stacey Bindman

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