Monday, October 3, 2016

Morphy Auctions Latest Auction

Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Overcast (Cloudy)
13 Celsius / 55 Fahrenheit

Morphy Auctions Latest Auction
Toy & Doll
September 23-24, 2015

   I've been privileged to be able to use Mr. Dan Morphy's website for several years now. Mr. Morphy was one my first commercial websites that I had permission to write about and use his fine photos.  Dan has been very successful in the auction business, and has expanded his business to include many divisions. Some of the numerous divisions include Automobiles, Automobilia &  Petroliana,Coins & Currency, and of course toys. The toys are divided into Dolls & Bears, Mechanical & Still Banks, and Toys & Pop Culture. Dan has been able to expand his business by buying other auction companies. He purchased the toy division of James D. Julia,several years ago.

The cover photo of the auction book
Dolls are very popular and collectible. I only selected one page to present, but if you venture over to the Morphy Auctions website,  you will see many, many pages of very beautiful and very old dolls.

Steiff stuffed "characters", especially the bears (which they are most famous for)
have always been a favourite of those people interested in stuffed animals.
The Steiff company has been around for more than 100 years, and is world-renowned.
Cast iron toys are also very popular. For those who don't know, cast iron toys are most unique to the United States.There is on accompany  in Scandinavia, I believe in Sweden they also manufactured cast iron toys.  However, the true history of American toys always includes the cast iron toys.

Another mostly unique to the United States are the mechanical bank cast iron toys. 
All of these toys actually do something before the coin is deposited into a slot. 
When the wooden box that these toys used to come in, are included as part of the item's auction, the bid is usually higher than just with the toy itself.

THe cast iron toys above, are from the 1920's and 1930's, whereas the cast iron mechanical banks were from much earlier times (1890's-1920's). Farm cast iron toys acre especially popular, especially way back, when the USA had many farmers,and the USA was called "the breadbasket of the world". That term refers to the fact, that at one time , and perhaps still, the USA was the biggest producer of food in the world. 

Thanks for dropping by to visit,
and as always,
Have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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