Tuesday, October 11, 2016

More of Pinterest

Friday, October 21, 2016
13 Celsius / 56 Fahrenheit

More of Pinterest

Yesterday, I wrote about Pinterest and how this website was a good website to search for toys. 
However, there are some "quirks" (idiosyncrasies).It's not the end of the world, and you can even find what you are looking for.

Below is a search result that I did for antique toys. Notice that I have added numbers "1" and "2".
It's obvious from the photos, that 2 Pinterest members "borrowed" identical images from the Internet from 2 different sources.

I decided to check the 2 search results.

This is a magnification of the 2 identical photos from 2 different locations of the same toy.

 When I clicked on the #1 image above, an enlargement (below) emerged.

 And when I clicked on the larger above image, I got the result below.
The result is from a very fine and superb website called Pook & Pook.
The minor problem is that the toy was auctioned in 2013, and Pook and Pook probably removed the 
image and descriptions. Their website usually has about 12-16 antique toys for sale at any one time, so I assume they needed space, and removed the toy.

Below is the #2 image from another location.

Once again, when I clicked on the camera photo (above), I was redirected to the photo's owner and website. It turned out to be another great website called Liveauctioneers. Liveauctioneers
is a website that adds hundreds of different types of auctioneers on their website. This is convenient for both auctioneers and potential bidders because many auctioneers  are on one website. This offers  additional promotion to the auctioneers, and the bidders do not have to go to 10 different websites to search for toys or other merchandise.They can look for everything on this one website.

When I clicked on the camel image (above),this is the result that I got. 

And when I clicked on the above image, I got the information below. There was a result of the bidding price, as well  as another toy similar in type. By the way, this type of toy is called a pull toy. A piece of cord would be attached to the front of the pull toy, and as the toy was pulled along the ground or sidewalk, the toy would ring. These toys were very popular in the 1880's-1920's.

When I clicked on the small photo of the boy and the alligator, I obtained an enlargement..

The final judgement for Pinterest is that it's a fine website. However, you have to a lot of work to get excellent photos and excellent descriptions of a specific toy. And if you have a  direct link to any of the larger toy auction companies or toy sellers on ebay, you will get more information on the toy, price estimates or final winner of the toy, and great photos.

It's all a matter of being patient, but you will find out what you are looking for eventually.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
Have a great part of the day or night,
Wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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