Thursday, October 27, 2016

Matching Banks to the Al Davidson Book on Mechanical Banks

Friday, October 28, 2016
Cloudy with Rain
6 Celsius  42 Fahrenheit

Matching Banks to the
Al Davidson Book on 
Mechanical Banks

Bertoia Auctions auction for mechanical banks will be held from November 11-13, 2016.
In order for you to compare the photos of Al Davidson in the previous post, 
to those of Bertoia Auctions, You will have to open up a new window and look at the Al Davidson book photos next to this post of Bertoia Auctions photos.ext to 
The colours on this Bertoia item are similar to the catalogue. This version is with the "thin" bat.

This Bertoia item is accurate like the Al Davidson photo.
In Al's photo, the reds are brighter, and the barrel appears golden in colour,
rather than yellow.

There is no mention of  the clown having a yellow outfit.
However, the Al Davidson book does mention that in a variation
of the "Trick Dog", Solid Base (Type II), the base can be yellow.

This Bertoia Auctions item is identical to the 
photo in Al Davidson's book.

THe Bertoia Auctions version of this bank has no verse,
'while the Al Davidson book has a verse. This is  the
'"variation" version.

This Bertoia Auctions version comes with 2 colour outfits
 on each of the young boys. In Al Davidson's version, 
the boys are wearing single-coloured outfits.

The Bertoia Auctions version is the same as the Al Davidson Photo.
The only difference is that the Al Davidson photo
had warmer tones overall. An example is the golden-coloured
fence, compared to a yellow fence above.

So overall, the Al Davidson book is quite a useful resource to check up on mechanical banks. 
Although there are only 576 banks in his book, the book has matched up  Al's photos, with those of Bertoia Auctions. 

If you're interested in mechanical banks or are a collector, you might want to buy one of the Al Davidson's books that are  all over the Internet.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
HAve a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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