Sunday, October 2, 2016

A Trio of Rare Vindex Cast Iron Toys

Wednesday, October 5, 2015
Sunny with Clouds
22 Celsius / 72 Fahrenheit

A Trio of Rare Vindex
Cast Iron Toys

Lately, I've been returning to old friends who have granted me permission to use their photos and written descriptions. I don't have any saved Excel files with all the people who have helped me. I have to go on Blogger, and use "labels" that I write out. These help me to find specific posts that I have written in the past. As of today, I have 1140 posts. 

Mr. Lars Ostrom's store is in Lexington, Nebraska, USA.  Lars is quite a photographer. He created his own diffusion screens. A diffusion screen is a photographic material made of transparent opaque mylar. When you place a photo light behind the the screen, the light becomes very soft, and allows for easy recording of images.If you use too harsh a light source (e.g. sunlight), you are going to have problems with too much contrast, and losing detail in the shadows.

Not only are Lars' photos well exposed, but he also takes very fine photos, with lots of images to show every detail of his rare Vindex cast iron toys.

Most of the Vindex toys and the ones that you see here were manufactured in the late 1920's-early 1930's. These toys were made very well as you can see from these photos.

Up here in Montreal, I'm starting to tidy up my vegetable garden and flower beds and flower pots around the house. I'm sure the Nebraskan farmers have already finished cleaning up their vast acres of farmland, and have sewn the seeds for their crops for next year.

Thanks for visiting,
and as always,
Have a great time of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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