Friday, October 28, 2016

A Fabulous Dinky Toy Website

Sunday, October 30, 2016
6 Celsius  41 Fahrenheit

A Fabulous 
Dinky Toy Webbsite 

I was searching for toys, when I found this wonderful website "".  What was interesting is that it was a great resource for people who collect Dinky Toys. The site is divided into many different area, but my attention was focussed on the Dinky Toys. Mr. Nigel Gent is the person whose website this happens to be. He gave me permission to write about his website, and to use the photos on the website.

When you go to the opening page for Dinky Toys, you are presented with a numerical order of the toys. The numbers start from 0 and ascend into the 3-digit numbers. I selected 22E as a starting point. 22E is an early Dinky Toy tractor. Clicking on the upper left hand yellow box gets you to the page below. The lower numbers usually are representative of the older and earlier Dinky Toys. This tractor was released in 1933 and was withdrawn in 1940.

I haven't included any modern era (post 1950) toys, but the site has them as well.

Above is the page that I got from having clicked the yellow box in the first screen-capture.  There is the # 22e Dinky Toy, with a brief description of the tractor. People who collect Dinky Toys are invited to contribute information and photos about the tractor 22e. Notice that the copyright has different names from 2 contributors.

Below is a variation of the 22E tractor. It has a different colour theme, and the engine is different.

Below is another page that I obtained from having clicked on numbers 23-25
The "Thunderbolt Speed Car" is the you that I was interested in. It's # 23m.

Below is the Thunderbolt Speed Car with its' expanded information. 
Notice the names of the people who sent in photos of their Dinky Toy Thunderbolts.
Each page within the site always invites viewers to send in photos or information.

Below are 2 variations of the Thunderbolt that 2 contributors sent in to the website of Nigel Gent.

Below are a low-numbered group of Dinky Toys. I selected # 28E, a Delivery Van.
When you click on "More about 28E", you are redirected to the page below this one.

Notice how easy it is to manoeuvre through the website. Below is the information about 
model # 28E. Pressing on either photo below will have an enlargement of the delivery van appear.

And below is the enlargement of the delivery van.
The person who submitted the photo is Mr. Stuart Bishop.

As you can see, the site is a great resource for people who collect Dinky Toys. As well, the site is always getting larger with more information that is shared by readers of the website. It's worth the effort to visit this website, not only for the information, but to see how  well-planned and organized this "database" for Dinky Toys is.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
Have a great part of the day or night,
Wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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