Friday, September 23, 2016

Tom Sanders- Exceptional Model Rebuilder

Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Sunny with Clouds,
17 Celsius / 63 Fahrenheit

Mr. Tom Sanders
Exceptional Model Rebuilder

   I've written about Mr. Tom Sanders several times.He's an exceptional and skilled model maker, who does custom work for people wanting a specify model toy. He's also very kind when he sends me images for a blog, without my having asked.

Below is Tom's logo and the name of his company - Sandman Overhaul.

Many of Tom's clients ask him to make customized models. These people usually have fond memories of their father or mother, or are just interested in having a special model customized for them. Today's post presents  the yellow airplane, a Marx pressed steel toy, that would become the start for the B-17D z 14 airplane. This particular airplane was piloted by the customer's father when the father was stationed in the Philippines during WWII.

Below is the Marx airplane that the client sent to Tom for transformation into the airplane above.

Tom has an extensive library of reference books to which he refers to for accuracy in making his new designs for clients.

You can see just how much work has to go into making a totally different model airplane from the model that Tom received from his client. He uses different skills to manufacture parts for the new model. He cuts pressed steel, contours (shapes) the parts with a hammer, wells the new parts to the body with a welder, sands and polishes the bare metal, and finally he  custom paints the body to a beautiful finish.

 Below is the finished model in all of its' glory and beauty. It's truly amazing how Tom is able to remake a model airplane from the beginning, and I'm sure his clients are always thankful to receive their new models with their fond memories of their parents or friends who would have flown the "real" airplane.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as usual ,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
Stacey Bindman

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