Monday, February 22, 2016

A Collector Shares his New Acquisition of Bell Gong Toys

Monday, February 22, 2016
Sunny and cold

A Collector Shares His New
Acquisition of Bell Gong Toys

   I was pleasantly surprised over the weekend, when I received some e-mails form a collector. He had recently purchased several Bell Gong Toys, and was wondering if I'd be amenable to sharing them with my readers. Of course, I was and immediately sent a reply saying that I'd be happy to write a post for these marvellous toys.

   For those who don't know, the Bell Gong toy company was the best and largest of them a lll way back at the turn of the last century and even late into the 1800's. These were pull toys that children would pull along the road or wood sidewalks, and they would "ding-dong" though the movement of the wheels.

   Mr. Sunny Mahant is the name of the collector and he sent me several e-mails with some of his most recent acquisitions. They were from the recent Sotheby's Auction of the Hegarty Collection of these fascinating toys. What's especially interesting is to see in what great condition these toys are after so many years!


Ding Dong Bell

The Captain and the Kids

Darky Watermelon Toy

Boy Scout Bell Toy

Very Rare Bell Toy from the Famed
Perelman Antique Toy Museum
Rastas and his Mother

As you can see from the photos, this certainly is a fine example of Bell toys.
I chose not to mention the final prices that Sunny sent me, but these toys certainly received high bidding prices at the auction!

I'm sure that Mr. Sunny Mahant will enjoy these toys for a long time to come.

And by the way, thank you Sunny four sharing them with us.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always, 
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

Stacey Bindman

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