Saturday, January 30, 2016

National Products Promotional Pieces

Saturday, February 6, 2016
Partly sunny and cool

National Products
Promotional Pieces

    If you've been following my posts lately, you'll have read that I'm searching out the upcoming season of auctions. I wrote about Dan Morphy previously, and today, it's about the Lloyd Ralston Gallery. Mr. Lloyd Ralston was a fine auctioneer and sadly passed on much too young in life. His 2 sons now own and manage this fine American toy auction company.

   I found a new company that manufactured what is called a promotional piece. In the 1940's and 1950's car dealerships would  purchase promotional pieces and would hand them up to customers who purchased their cars. Of course, the fathers or mothers would pass these promo pieces to their children who would then play with them. The pieces were made either for car dealerships or for truck dealerships, but in either case, children would have fun playing with these "toys".  Most of the times presented today were die cast  with rubber wheels. Like any other collectible, these promo pieces still are in demand.

I've never seen this particular toy , so seeing it must be a rarity. As to whether this translates into higher p[rices at an action is "another story". It certainly is an interesting piece!

Below is a "promo piece" from a truck company - White.

Back in history, there were hundreds of different car manufacturers. One of them was the Nash Motors. The company was started by the then president of General Motors, Mr.  Charles W. Nash in 1916.

 Below are 2 Buick car promotional pieces. In the bottom car, you can see the trademarked 3 small circles on the side of the car. To this day, this trademark is still used on Buicks, one of the cars that is still being produced after the collapse of GMC in recent history.

The item below was actually cast in bronze - imagine!

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part.

Stacey Bindman

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