Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Mr. Chris Ferrone Says Hi

Thursday, January 22, 2016
Sunny and Seasonally Cold

Mr. Chris Ferrone
Says Hi

   It's always nice to hear from people whom I can call my friends, and so it was today. I opened my e-mail and lo and behold, I had a friendly greeting from Mr. Chris Ferrone.  Chris is the president of his own company  called Americoach Systems, Inc. "The company specializes in Specialized Transport Technology, Safety, Management, and Logistics".

   When Chris is not busy working, he creates interesting new toys from old.  Below is the e-mail that he sent me:

Hi Stacey
hope you are well during this  winter!?!?
I didn't know if you are "still in business" so I sent you some photos of my newest truck (toy)
the cab is a 1930's ty-nee-tot dump truck
the box is from a 1930 Keystone fire truck
the ladder turret tower is from a 1930 keystone fire truck
the ladder is from a 1950 Tonka fire truck
and I made the remaining pieces
hope you like it !!!


Of course I like Chris'  new truck that he titled "Frankenstein". However, this fine new composite is much more than poor old Frankenstein. I admire people who can work with their hands and create things. 

Currently, I'm taking a drawing course to try and improve on what I can draw from sight. However, I think that you have to be born with this "talent". I'm working on creating form (3D) on paper, but everything keeps coming out 2D as shape or outline. As a photographer I can easily create 3D, but as far as drawing goes - I can't.

The start of the fire engine- A 1930's ty-nee-toy dump truck
The finished restoration. The body is from a 1930's Keystone fire truck.
You can see the skill and "eye" that Chris has, and the find job that he did in integrating 2 different toy company parts into one single unit.

The ladder parts are from a 1950's Tonka  firetruck
Also, whatever parts were missing or needed to be made, were in fact made by Chris.
He certainly must have an outstanding garage to repair his "real" trucks, while using the "shop" to work on his smaller toys.

I especially like the extra length of ladder and how the ladder extends from the rear of the fire truck.
I like how the truck is well-balanced to accommodate the ladder placement extension at the back!

The mini-tower that Chris made to support the tower.
Notice the small bell behind the fire truck cab. Proportionally it's actually quite big, and must make a great noise for any young child!

Notice the attached wire pull at the front of the toy. 
Chris also made that himself for children to pull the toy.

For the "purist" toy collector, I'm sure some people would say that these rejuvenations of old toys are "heresay". However, these new reincarnations are truly great, and AI'm sure any child would simply adore them.

I'm always interested (as are some of my readers) in people who restore old toys, so if there is anyone out there who would like to be a contributor to my blog, by all means please write me.

So that's it for another cold winter day, and I hope you enjoyed seeing another one of Chris' masterpieces.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

Stacey Bindman

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