Friday, November 13, 2015

An Exceptional Photographer/ebay seller Revisited

Saturday, November 14, 2015
          Cloudy and mild temperature

An Exceptional
 Photographer/ebay Merchant

   I remember when digital cameras first came out. People would take poor-quality photos, then think that a photo-eidting software would fix everything-not! The only thing that happened was that bad photos simply didn't have to be made into prints.   Eventually, thank G-D, people started to take better photos and the photo-editing software raised the photography level a few steps higher!

   I first wrote to Ron Michaud, who lives in Maine, USA, about 2 years ago. He's an excellent ebay merchant who receives outstanding comments from his clients. I noticed his listings because of several things-lots of photos of his toys, quality photos and larger sized images, knowledge about toys.

You can easily read the knowledge that Ron Michaud has when he writes about this Buddy L Sprinkler truck.  The truck is quite large measuring 25" ( 635 mm) in length.

I've taken 3 photos below and partially or fully extracted the truck and placed it against white. Of course, Ron;s photos certainly present the truck excellently. Ron doesn't just take front,side,top and bottom photos quickly, but he thinks about what he wants to show  in his merchandise.  He uses a regular focal length lens and in some cases prefers the wide-angle to exaggerate the toy. It's great to see suburb photography from a seller of toys!

I like the Buddy L toys because they have lots of features to them, 
they're large to play with, and they were built to last!

Whomever restored these toy and the others for sale (if they're  the same person) 
certainly did an excellent job.

I like this rear-angle and lower camera-angle photograph. 
It shows the "spigot" or tap that allows waterto pour from the rear of the truck.

The black rounded pipe at the rear of the truck is not a bumper - it's a pipe with holes. The truck is a sprinkle truck and would have been used to add water to roads in order to minimize dust on dry hot days of the summer.

I'll be writing Ron as soon as I add the labels for this post. I haven;t contacted him in a long time, and I would want to thank him for having allowed me to use his fine photos.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,
Stacey Bindman

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