Saturday, October 24, 2015

A Magnificent Toy Comes to Market

Saturday, October 24, 2015
     Seasonally cooler with partial sun

A Magnificent Toy 
Comes to Market

   I've been trying to return to writing, but it's slow. However, I always am encouraged by the wonderful toys of old that I see, especially from Bertoia Auctions. For some reason, I notice lots of things wherever I go.I guess it's the ATD (Attention to Detail) as a photographer.  So when I saw this toy, I absolutely and positively had to post and write about it.

   It was made in 1893,and I thought I 'd add what was happening in 1893 to put the toy into perspective in the USA, since the toy is American.

1.The American Flag has 44 stars representing 44 states.
2. On March 4, 1893, Grover Cleveland becomes the American President
3. 1893 is a mere 25 years after the American Civil War
4. A serious depression in the stock market began in this year
5.The Gilded Age (1870's-1900), a term invented by the great American satirist and writer, 
Mr. Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) was happening.  
5. The "Progressive Era", a period of social activism and political reform 
was happening at this time.*

What's fascinating about this toy, is of course the detail. ANd with all that detail, there is a lexicon of language to identify all those parts.  I have absolutely no idea what the parts are called, except (please excuse my ignorance) the reins, the cart, horse, wheels, lanterns, blinders, hooves,and a few other terms). Of course if you are a horse person, you're probably rattling off all of the terms for the harness that this fine horse has on her/him.

About 2 decades ago (boy how time flies!), my wife Heidi and I went to Washington and of course had to visit the Smithsonian. We stayed 3 days in Washington, but I could have stayed 3 days in one of their museums, the title of which escapes me. It's the one where there is lots of "Americana". Examples included at the time how a lead pencil was made, and a cross section of the Brooklyn humongous support cable for the bridge.  Of course, with the Smithsonian having so many different buildings, we only visited this one for a few hours. 

The photo below is great because you can see the nice detail and casting of the horse and cart.

I like how cargo would be hidden in the space below where people were seated. Of course, if you were a child, you'd "hide" your most dear "mementos". 

For a toy that's 122 years old, I should only look so good if I ever reach that age!
Of course, I'm dreaming in Technicolor, 
but that's what toys are all about - placing and imagining.

Thanks for dropping by to visit,
and as always,
hascve a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

Stacey Bindman


  1. Wonderful story. Really enjoyed it.

  2. Hello Brewster,

    Thanks for taking the time to write.
    It always helps to have readers comment to make me
    feel what I do is worth it.

    If you're a toy collector, please feel free to send photos of
    a special toy or favourites of your collection, and I can add a
    post about you.


    Stacey Bindman
