Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A New Hubley Discovery

Tuesday, June 15, 2015
      Rain and cold (66F / 18C)

A New Hubley Discovery

  I didn't think that I'd write so soon about American Antique Auctions, but here's the latest post, just after yesterday's.  It's another unseasonal day (rain and cold), and the stock market isn't doing any better, as I try to manage my retirement funds. I decided to take another look at  American Antique Auctions' upcoming June 20 auction, and found today's wonderful cast iron toy.

  I thought I'd seen most of the Hubley cast iron toys, but this one easily "popped off the page".   It's quite small for a Hubley, but  it belongs in the famous "woody" type of car that became especially popular with California surfers in the 1930's  and later. If you ever say a movie about California surfing, you'd surely have sen one of these cars. The outside panels of these real cars were in fact  finished with wood that was lacquered.

Rarely do I write a post with just one item, but today I decided to . I'm sure that I'll edit this post and add more nice toys from this fine American auctioneer. There are lots of other toys that I have not seen, including a nice grouping of Schoenhut toys that came as wooden kits to be assembled.

Until today, I had only known Schoenhut to make fine animal figures, so today's other discovery, among many others was a "Eureka Moment" for me.

It's nice to be writing again, even though I'm not writing daily. There' no pressure for me, although I had tried to write daily. And finding new knowledge about toys, always makes writing all the more pleasurable.

Thanks for dropping by to visit,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
Stacey Bindman

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