Monday, May 11, 2015

Some Highlights from Bertoia Auctions's Recent Auction

Monday, May 11, 2015
Cold and lots of rain

Some Highlights from 
Bertoia Auctions
Recent May Auction

   When I was feverishly on a daily basis, I would venture over to my "regulars". One of these was band still is Bertoia Auctions. The Bertoia Family was one of the first to allow me to use their photos after, I stopped buying and selling toys on ebay. At the time, I decided to stop buying and selling because the market was slow on  ebay and I was limited in the toys that AI could write about. Budget constraints limited me to what I could afford, and I really didn't make much money, if any at all. Having the permission to use other people's photos placed me on a different level of writing.

   I now could write about toys that I  could never afford, and allowed me to write about toys that I never had seen before or even heard of in terms of where and who had manufactured them. Bertoia Auctions is located in Vineland, New Jersey, U.S.A. and sells only toys. Here, you'll find great collections that have been written about on the Internet, as well as individuals who have fine toys who wish to sell them at auction.

   When I recently decided to return to writing, but not to the hectic pace as before, I naturally ventured over to Bertoia Auctions. Their May 8-9, 2015 auction had just finished,and I  decided to "have a look".  Of course, that's like saying, I just watch a hockey game for 5 minutes, or read the first page of a new book - you can't! So I set the viewing to "highest bids" and  just selected a mere 4 fine toys that I had not seen before. I didn't even get past page 1!

There was no  date as to when this nice Marklin train might have been made. I selected it because of the nice streamlined design. There are nice curves, and the tender (the coal bin) is covered, allowing for a faster movement on the railway tracts. Notice also that the wheels areas are ale covered,so there is less air resistance to slow down the train.

I selected this fine American toy from one of the early manufacturers - George Brown. Sadly, George Brown did not live a long life, but his legacy of fine toys will live forever in the history of American toys. His toys were made in the latter half of the 19th century. He designed them himself and even patented many. He also even designed the mechanics for wide-up toys that were self-propelled.

I just wrote about a George Brown toy on May 8, 2015, so it was quite coincidental to find another one of the George Brown toys on the highest number of bids criteria for my selection for today's post. What I like about these toys is that they are "true" antiques - well over 100 years. Also I usually can identify them without a book.  They have a "youthful" design about them. I can readily ID the horses from their larger breed, and their bushy tails. And lastly, the stencilling - it's  also "youthful". By that, I mean that it isn't overly sophisticated as one might find from the German lithography of the early 20th century. ANd one final point - the hand-painting on the toy, especially the horses- simple but elegant.

One of the best things that I like about Bertoia Auctions is that produce superb catalogues for potential bidders and buyers of their auctions. The photography is excellent, and there are nice researched descriptions to accompany the items.

What I like in the above lowest photo is the low camera angle.  What I have done in the last year and a half is to remove any background or foundation (what an item rests on). In the above photo, the gait or pace of the horses is majestically captured in George Brown's original design, as well in the craftsmanship of the skilled workers who assembled the toy. The horses appear to foot like Pegasus.

The high camera angle in the immediate photo below gives a different perspective to the toy. I like how the photographer has turned the horse at an angle from the omnibus. AS well, the beautiful gait of the pair of horses is beautifully captured as they trop in unison together.

Below is a beautiful demonstration model of the famous Hispano-Suiza sedan.  When I have more time, I'll try and find the approximate date as to when this particular car would have been manufactured.  If you've visited my blog before, you'll know that one of my favourite "non-toy" categories is the salesman's model.  I've written only about the American salesman's model's, but I'm sure if I continue to write, I will find  more European salesman's  models. 

What I like about this category is that the items are well-scaled of course, and the detail is fantastic. 
The American models that I have found are true to scale, and best-of-all they actually have all the moveable parts that would allow them to work!

I like how the spare tire on the passenger's side is beautifully covered and protected by it's metal part of the car.  Also, notice how the doors open "backwards". The hood ornament is beautiful, and reminds me the the cars of the 1950's when I was growing up. Of course, the American cars did not have such illustrious hood ornaments as the  one below, but they had them. I miss those nice ornaments that were around back then!

I would have liked a photo of the engine under the hood, but still, there is lots of detail to be seen.  This particular toy is exquisite. The wheels for the tires were hand made at the time, and took a long time to make.  As for the mechanics of the toy - chain driven, it reminds me of the early Mack trucks that I have had the privilege to write about.  Some of them were also chain driven, and the MAck Truck certainly gained its reputation for its ability to drive through the toughest of road conditions of those early times.

I've also never seen this toy before, so it is an eye-opener for me. Best of all, this toy was also self-propelled, but through steam, which was quite elaborate for the time.  It's certainly beautiful. Notice also that both the Hispano-Suisa and the Lorry below are right-sided driven.

I'll be returning to this auction in the future to find more toys that I haven;t seen before and to write,. But if you venture over there, you'l see for yourself what fine toys there are that are true "treasures form the past".

Thanks for visiting, 
and as always, 
have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be,


  1. Hello Derrick,

    Thanks for the words of encouragement,


  2. Wonderful to see you back. Missed my daily check ins. But I have been looking every week or so just in case. And today I struck gold!!I did email you several times for encouragement. So gald you are back!

  3. Hi Bob,

    Thanks for writing. I won;t be writing daily as before, but ail try a few times a week. Now's the spring/summer season, and I've been busy with "chores" around the house.

    All the best,


  4. Glad to see you back - once in a while is fine and better than none at all!
    Hope you are doing well,
