Wednesday, May 27, 2015

One of the Best Bicycle Auctioneers in the U.S.A.

Wednesday, May  27, 2015
Partly cloudy and 20 C. at 5:30 a.m.

One of the Best  Bicycle Auctioneers in the U.S.A.

   When I first started this blog some 4 years ago, I was writing about hand-held toys. One day, the reason of which I can't remember, I think Idid a search for antique bicycles, and  came upon Copake Auctions Inc.. If you've read my blog before, you'll know that I like details in all kinds of things. So when I came upon  Copake Auctions Inc., this was a major discovery. I'd never seen so many old and antique bicycles before, in so many different designs, styles, and from different times.  My newfound discovery was in fact one of those "Eureka moments".  I naturally had to write the company and write about them. 

What makes Copake Auctions Inc. so great is the unbelievable of bicycles that come through their place. I never even knew that there were so many different types of bicycles. When I look at these bicycles, I think about what made America so great. So many different people from all over the world coming to America. for a new life. In the bicycles I see what America was and still is.

Below is a  nicely-crafted head lamp. What's interring is that the lens had a green colour. I'm not sure pif the lamp was illuminated from a flammable fuel. The holes in the  stack above the lamp body look like small air vents to vent out the heat and fumes.

This "Spacelander" was designed by Mr. Benjamin Bowden. 
He would eventually go on tho work for General Motors and design the Corvette. 
That says it all!

In you do a search for "Montreal potholes",  you'll be able to read a lot about the state of our fine city. The roads here in Montreal are true "Boneshakers", with no disrespect to this fine bicycle from the past!

I like the simplicity of this bicycle and the red wheels that most certainly stand out!

Now here's something I've never seen before- punched out shapes in the seat (saddle) of a bicycle. 
With a metallic seat like that, I'm sure the "pain in the butt" was no exaggeration after an hour of riding on the non-paved roads at the time!

Once again, the details and the design caught my eye.
The saddle (seat) spring is fantastic! The handgrips.the levers on the bicycle, the wooden rims, all combine to present a real beauty!

About 10 years ago, I started to notice that the latest "fad" in bicycles for a certain types of cyclists was the single gear bike.  As you know, I do ride a 12-speed racer to keep in shape. 
If I was 30 years younger and in great shape, you can be sure I'd be raving one of these  Elliot Hicokory bikes around the city - a real "show stopper". Of course, I'd be showing off the bike!

I haven't even "touched the surface" today in presenting to you Copake Auctions Inc.  If
you have the time and like details and bicycles and history, this is the place to visit. Of course, they also auction other merchandise as well,but for me, it's the bicycles that I never tire of.

Thanks for dropping by to visit,
and as always, 
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
Stacey Bindman

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