Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Sandman's Fine Overhaul

Monday, December 15,2014
Mostly sunny,windy, and cold from the wind

The Sandman's Fine Overhaul

   Yesterday's post was about Mr. Tom Sander's photography, and as I promised, I said that I would present his overhaul of the truck that I presented then. Tom's company name is Sandman Overhaul, hence "the play of words" in today's title. Tom takes old toys and customizes them for special orders from clients or on  his own initiative with nicely thought out ideas. I've written about Tom and his fine restorations-overhaul many times, and it's always fascinating to see what can be done when you have talent combined with knowledge and experience.

You can see how much work is involved when you see the two truck cabs below. 
Tom removes all of the old original paint, smoothes out the surfaces if needed, 
then adds probably primer-sealer undercoats and then the final paint colours.

Below are some of the ingenious ways that Tom improvises to provide overhaul details 
to his fine truck restoration and customization.

Below is a small stainless steel cut that Tom cuts carefully 
to add a nicely-rounded rear tractor fender

I haven't still-fished in years, so I  was wondering what had replaced lead sinkers, and now I know!
Brass sinkers.  Tom carefully cuts them to proper size and proportion, and then mounts them to 
the font, et voila (French for and here it is) headlights!


And for those fine tall exhausts/mufflers you can see how Tom uses 2 separate pieces for each smokestack. The inner brass-coloured tube is the support, for the outer  silver-toned steel pipe.

I didn' want to  write too much since as the old expression goes:
"A picture is worth a thousand words".
Tom's photos are in fact worth a whole chapter go 20,000 words, but this is
a blog post, and not a book, and I don't think you wanted a book!

Thanks Tom for helping with the illustrative photos to explain what you do.
I couldn't have written it that good!

Thanks for dropping by,and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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