Friday, December 12, 2014

Some Nice Samples from Matuska's Upcoming Auction

Saturday, December 14, 2014
Partly sunny and colder

Some Nice Samples from
Upcoming Auction

   I'm on several auctioneers email lists, so periodically I feet notifications of incoming auctions.I should create a working agenda and forecast what posts I'll create in the near future, but I don't.  I wake up each day and go to the computer, search my e-ma accounts, visit Liveauctioneersebay, James D. Julia, and a few other websites.I then go to Tim Horton's, an iconic Coffee chain here in North America, and when I return home,I have an idea what to write about.

  When I checked my email 2 days ago, I saw that Mr. Mike Matuska from Sweden had sent me a notice, but I didn't check the date.  Yesterday, I again checked my email, took a closer look at Mike's email and oh, oh! The date of the auction is  today. Actually, I'm writing this post on december 13, 2014,and posting it - talon about meeting a deadline!

    What I like with Mike's website and the permission that I have to use the photos is that I get to see European toys that I don't  always see in North America.  I even get to see American toys there also. 
Mike's website also has a database of sold items, so when I have Europe on my mind, I venture over to Mike's website and search the database.

Mike Matuska's website has both Swedish and English on the site. However, either there was less translation to English than usual or the English pages were not showing up well or at all. So what I did was go to Google Translate,  copy and paste Mikes Swedish descriptions and then translate. The translator is not accurate, and that is why I added an brief explanation and an asterisk (*) to the Skoglund & Olson photos and description.

I had never seen a non-Amercain cast iron toy until Liveauctioneers, and then when I visited Mike's website for the first time.

Meccano made lots of toy kits to assemble.I had one when I was a "kid",because Meccano,being a British company could be found in Canada. American toys rarely came up here, with A.C. Gilbert's kits being from the USA.

Meccano made some "super" automobile and airplane kits, and if you do a search on the Internet you'll find them. Of course, I've also written about them/

What's great about Mike's site is that he has a magnification feature to enlarge his images.
If you change from this blogger view to the Blogger side show view, you can see these images in their large sizes.

If you've ever watched those British period movies or those TV series on PBS (AMerican Public Broadcasting System),you will have seen people dressed up like this from the 1920's and 1930's.
The clothing certainly is from the first 1/3 of the both century. 

The only question I might ave is why some of the figures are "portly" 
( a polite word for being overweight)?

And of course, one of my class of favourites - the cast iron toy. 
It's quite nice, and it's Swedish!

So if you want to see many different European toys that actually go to auction, 
you can visit Mike Matuska's website.

Reading Swedish  is optional!

Thanks for dropping by, and as always,
have a  great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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