Monday, December 15, 2014

Another Unidentified Toy Needs to be Identified

Tuesday,December 16, 2014
  Mostly cloudy with warmer temperatures

Another Unidentified Toy
Needs to be Identified

   I had to apologize today to Mr. George Manuilow, a reader who sent me photos of a toy to post. I had to say that I was sooty because I hand;t helped he out as fast as I normally do.\. So when I saw he's name today in my mail box - it was oh, oh!

  So I just worked on George's images, and need someone out there to try and help us identify who made the toy, when, perhaps where, and if you have other information, as well.

THe toy's base is made from wood,and the rest is metal.
The image of the man appears to be lithography.
As far as the dimensions go,the engine is 14" (355 mm) approximately in length.
The width is 3" (76  mm).

The toy appears to be a pull toy, since I don't see any gears or electrical contacts to make it self-propelled.

So,if someone out there can help out with out unknown toy,'that would be a great help.

You can write to me at,
and I will contact George. 

Also,if you have any photos, please send them to me (and I'll add them to this post)
with your permission of course.

Thanks for dropping by and as always,
haste a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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