Monday, December 29, 2014

A Reader Sends Me Photos of His First Collectible

Monday, December 29, 2014
Mostly sunny, some cloud, and colder

A Reader Sends Me  Photos
of His First Collectible 

   I took the day off yesterday from posting. I had no reason but I just didn't feel much about writing. I did check out my usual haunts and I had received some nice photos from a collector. His first set were out-of-focus, and so I asked him to reshoot. He did, and 3 out of the 5 were excellent.  When I looked at the first one, I didn't know how to present it. It was very nice with the foundation (what it was resting on), and the background (what is behind the object), I didml;t know what to do.  Should I just show the toy "as is", no photo-editing, or have some fun. I chose the latter, and made 4 variations of the toy. All 4 images are great!

This photo is what Dwayne sent me.
I did adjusted the exposure a bit, nothing else.
For the photo below, I removed some of that nice granite or quartz tabletop.
Doing this makes the truck take up more area in the photo,and thus emphasizes the truck more. 

For this photo, I simply removed the colour of the foundation and background, 
and lightened up the tones, which were now black and white. I probably could have lowered the contrast and lighted the background and foundation more.

However, this version is very nice!

And my "usual" version - the toy just on white.
Very nice, but as you can see, any one of the 4 would do nicely!

Mr. Dwayne C.  had sent me the photos,and explained that this was a New Era toy made by Mr. Bud Kraus of BuddyK fame. However, I am a bit confused. I had written about Mr. Marv Silverstein who went under the name of New Era Toys. So who was (Mr. Kraus passed on in 2006) Mr. Bud Kraus? He too also did what Marv Silverstein did - take old toys, and restore and restyle them. I did  do a search for Bud Kraus of Buddy K toy fame,but I couldn't find much material. I'll have to research some more unless someone out there can hep me out - please!

Dwayne said he was tired and would send more photos in the future. However his 3 sharply-focussed photos are great! I like the camera angles that Dwayne chose for all three photos.

Dwayne ask send me an additional photo after the nice minivan above. I told Dwayne that it reminded me of those British trucks (lorries) On e sad in the 195-'s and 1960's (in photos).

Dwayne also sent me a nice photo of some of his other toys in his collection.
Very nice!

Dwayne has some nice Wyandottes and some nice wind-ups Marx toys.
I also like the very young big on the tricycle. I can't remember who manufactured,but I didn't realize it was so large, relative to the other toys.

I'll have to thank Dwayne, and ask for some more photos.
I like his style of photography,
 and of course his toys!

Thanks for dropping by and as always,
have a great part of the day or night
wherever you may be,

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