Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Hubley 1920's Packard

Sunday,November 30, 2014
Cloudy with some showers and warm

The Hubley 1920's Packard

   There are some toys that you keep returning to, and one of these is the Hubley 1920's Packard.  I've added this toy to one or two of my posts, but when I reread some of the Bertoia Auctions written description, I know that I had to write another post. Once upon a time in America (not the movie),before the 1950's, when 3 major car manufacturers would become the "Big 3", there were many can manufacturers. One of these that produced some of the finest cars in America was the Packard Motor Car Company in Detroit, Michigan.  During WWII, they produce exemplary engines nearing 1500 HP (Horsepower) for the famous PT boats. There were 3 of these engines on these boats,and the boat could reach speeds of 36 MPH!

  Returning to the topic for today, the Packard cars of the 1920's were beautiful cars exemplifying the style of that time - "The Roaring Twenties". Luxury without compromise, these cars were huge, showy, and would certainly have caught your attention when one passed you by.

I couldn't find an exact advertisement to match the Hubley toy, but it's close.

I always write almost the exact description of the auctioneer or person who I've had the privilege to use their photos. I want the material that I'm using to be almost exact, especially when an item is still for sale. But what I wanted to do is write my own description in order to place all of the different fine attributes (characteristics) together. So here is the composite description, with the fine written material taken from the 3 toy cars of Bertoia Auctions, and some of my own.

The Hubley Straight Eight Sedan

An exceptional cast iron Hubley pull toy from the 1920's. Painted in assorted colour combinations, this car was  beautifully-crafted after the famous Packard cars of the 1920's.  It's impressive for the many features that it presents. A Nickel-plated cast iron  or painted driver . The two sides of the hood that open to reveal a massive straight (in line) eight cylinder engine. The front doors on both sides of the toy open up. Massive front head lights, a painted license plate,and a spare tire all supplement toe already-impressive toy. Wheels and tires changed during its production time from two-tone painted disc wheels to rubber tires mounted on painted rims.

Circa 1920's

Length:  11 1/2"  292 mm

This is one toy that has consistently maintained a high price and demand f
Sometimes, there are certain things in life that are "priceless".
This toy and the original Packard belong in that group.

You can;t go back in time,but you certainly can have a "glimpse" of it!

Thanks for dropping by to visit, and as always,
have a great part of the day or night
wherever you may be,

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