Friday, November 21, 2014

Kenton's New Century of Toys Begins

Friday, November 21, 2014
Clear skies and cool

Kenton's New Century of Toys Begins

   I've been very fortune to have a very nice husband and wife team by the names of Tim and  Lisa Striker. They happen to live in Kenton, Ohio, and work at the Hardin County Historical Museums.
Both have important positions there, and work hard at helping to promote and publicize the area. One of the  important groups within the Museum grouping is the Kenton Toy Collectors. The group meets from time to time,and there will be 

3rd Annual Kenton Toy Collectors Cast Iron Toy Show
February 21, 2015 from 10am - 4pm
at the Hardin County Historical Museum, 223 N. Main St., Kenton Ohio.

Accepting reservations for vendor space. $25 per table. 
Can only sell vintage toys. Call the Museum or email for more info.
Their e-mail address is:

What's great about the Museum is that they happen to sell excellent toy antique catalogue scans that  are on CD's. These are from the early 1900's and later from the Kenton Toy Company that used to be in Kenton,Ohio. The quality is excellent for anyone needing images to cross-reference and check on Kenton toys.

You can use the same e-mail address above to also contact the Kenton Toy Collectors.

I was able to find excellent matching antique toys that Bertoia Auctions had sold before., 
so I 'm using their images today.

Below is the  # 610 Mechanical Hansom Painted "Horseless Carriage"

I'm wondering of there ever was such a "real" gas-powered machine.
However, I now can easily understand why they called these new machines" horseless carriages!
Theuy simply removed the horses, added a motor, but the carriage, in this case a hansom looked the same as the one with the horse or pair of horses.

                                         Below is the  # 620 Mechanical  Model Surrey Auto
   The 1902 catalogue describes this as a surrey. I'm glad that these motorized vehicles became know    
    as cars. I've always had trouble remembering swat a carriage, a Phaentom , a surrey, a  hansom, 
                                        and at least 5 other names for horse drawn vehicles!

The spring appears unwound and hitting the bottom of the table. I'm sure that when the 
toy was completely wound, the spool of flat copied wire became much smaller 
and was hidden from sight.

I didn't find a # 640 Mechanical Runabout or @ # 650 Mechanical Buckboard, 
but I'll continue to search.

Interestingly, the  # 640 Mechanical Runabout  toy is not to be found in the 1903 Kenton Toy Catalogue.

So that's it for this Friday.

Thanks for dropping by, and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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