Saturday, October 4, 2014

Not Old but A Great Model Nevertheless

Saturday, October 4, 2014
            Rainshowers and cooler

 Not Old Yet,
But a Great Model Nevertheless

   Sometimes I will add a blog post that isn't about a true old (at least from 1940 or earlier) toy or an antique (at least 100 years old). I just posted about The Antiques Storehouse (Great Britain, and on ebay) just a few days ago. I like to periodically return to everyone that I write about in order to see the new group of toys. I saw today's item immediately and immediately downloaded it. When I enlarged it, I realized it was a relative "youngster", having been built in the 1960's.  But come to think of it, that's at least a half century! I always admire the British and the Germans for making custom models.  It's amazing how many individual models that you can find in Europe of models based on very old trains or ships.

"Hesperus was a standard industrial and light railway engine produced in 1876. It was structurally very similar to the Charwelton Locomotive, although with a smaller boiler and 1" smaller cylinders. Initially the model was destined for tropical climes (Climates), but eventually was used in the less sunny climes of South West Wales".*
 *Description Courtesy of Mr. Andrew Bennett of  The Antiques Storehouse


I'm always amazed how someone will become in such a hobby as making his/her own models.
I can't even imagine how many hours it takes to even build such a  fine model. I can just remember when I was 5 years and older, when we moved to Outremont, a suburb of Montreal (Quebec, Canada).  About a half-mile near us were railway tracks with the North American large black steam locomotives. I wasn't; too interested in trains at the time, but to place a penny on the track and make it into a dollar-sized and flattened coin. I'm sure Queen Elizabeth would not have taken too kindly to this, since her portrait and that of here father's were on our coins. These engine locomotives were massive, and you could find chunks of coal all over the railroad beds. In those days, toy could easily crawl under the fence an on to the tracks.

 But what would I have done with coal chunks?

Now that I think of it, I would have liked to be near the tracks (behind the fence of course) when these montrous locomotives and their coal cars (tandems) passed by. 

Thanks for dropping by to visit,
and as always, 
have a great part of the day or night, 
wherever you may be

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