Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Collectors as Great Sources of Information

Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Later in the day -overcast, colder, and rain

Collectors as 
Great Sources of Information

  My recent post on the Arcade Taxis was total inspired by a reader - Mr. Joe Gallo. When I answered Joe, I invited him to send me some of his photos, and to be a guest on my blog. Yesterday, I received a yes, and I was elated.

  In the previous post that I mentioned, Joe mentioned about the telephone numbers on the sides of the taxis. When I wrote to Joe, I asked him to send me some specific photos that I will elaborate on below.

What makes the Arcade cast iron taxi so collectible is of course the fact that it was modelled after the 
real taxi of the era. Most taxis from Mexico, Canada, and the United States were similar, having had the cars made in the U.S.A. Moreover, they were painted of course in yellow. One of the largest taxi cab companies even was called Yellow Cab.

I asked Joe Gallo to send me a photo of the coin slot and the place where the cap would  unlock to access the money. You can actually see the coin slot in the middle back of the roof.

Above is a close-up of the running board. I would think that the running board allowed you 
to step up into the cab of the car.

Above is a nice detail  of the rear spare tire. Interestingly, for this particular Arcade model , the spare tiore was not a separate tire mounted on a rim, or a separate metal tire. It was actually a part of the casting of the left side of the toy.

Below is an even better photos of the spare.

What's also interesting is that Joe purchased this toy and it was painted over in green.
Joe write that he carefully used ear swabs (Q-Tips brand for example) with acetone to gently remove the green, and expose the black layer of original paint.

The pair of photos above show you part of the job that Joe did in carefully removing the top green layer from the bottom black layer. He also mentioned that he had to take a lot of time and painstakingly remove the green layer.

Several things are quite interesting to notice above.

1. Most cast iron toys have a smooth steel bolt that is hammered at one end to keep the 
2 halves of the toy together. In this case a screw was used. 

2. You can see how the nickel-plated driver was attached to the car body.

3. The lock at the bottom of the toy needed a key - this is substantial!

What I'd like to know  are 2 things:

i. How many coins could you fill this toy with
ii.. How much would the cast iron toy weigh when full with money

The title for this post certainly is a good choice, since I personally was able to see lots of details that you never see in photographs of toys going to auction, or for that matter in old catalogues.
Joe certainly helped me out in seeing all of the details that I normally might miss, or never see.

Thanks Joe.

And thnks to everyone who visited my log,
and as  always,
have a great part of the day or night
wherever you may be

Please feel free to either comment on the post, or to email me.
My e-mail address is toysearcher@gmail.com 

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