Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Cast Iron Wilkens Tetter

Wednesday, October 22, 
Overcast, cool, with possibility of rain

A Cast Iron Wilkens Tetter

   Yesterday, I added a post about a Kenton toy catalogue from 1902.  I had written that I'm having trouble identifying all of the different "vehicles" that were horse-drawn. In the late 1800's and early 1900's many American toys were made of cast iron, and the toys were modelled after horse-drawn, people carrying wagons. There were drays, phaetons, carts, wagons,stand hope gigs,traps,  and surreys,

  I was just getting used to trying and to identify the names with the "vehicles",when today's item caught my attention - a "tetter". OK, I said to myself, I think I'll start to add a dictionary definition of these items to refer to the next time I come across another one of these items.

The definition of a Tetter

"A tedder (also called hay tedder) is a machine used in haymaking. It is used after cutting and before windrowing, and uses moving forks to aerate or "wuffle" the hay and thus speed-up the process of hay-making. The use of a tedder allows the hay to dry ("cure") better, which results in improved aroma and colour"*

Of course if you read the definition, you'd come across winrowing, which means 
'a row or line of hay raked together to dry before being raked into heaps'.*

  Of course,most of these words and terms are no longer used, unless  you write historic novels or are  a person of a religious group such as the Mennonites, or Amish. Language is always evoking with the times, and words are lost and words are gained. 

I've been adding several posts from the upcoming Max Berry Collection that Bertoia Auctions will be offering on  November 15, 2014. Mr. Berry is a world- renowned and successful  international trade lawyer.However,he has managed to find time to collect a exceptional collection of antique and old toys. I've been fortunate to be allowed to present toys from Bertoia Auctions, and this collection is most interesting and sometimes certain pieces are very rare.

The photo below is an excellent photo in terms of composition and technique. But for me, it's also great because it helps illustrate what a tetter is,once you read the definition that I presented above.

After the hay was cut and winrowed (I have to start using these newfound words!), the tetter would
 move up and down the cut hay and sort it into rows.  You can see how this would have worked by examining the clever mechanism of this toy.

As the cart moved forward, the rotating silver-toned (probably nickel-plated)  rods that are irregularly shaped, would cause the tuned (fork like) prongs to pile the loose hay into rows. You may need to enlarge this photo in the slide view mode and study the image for a while.

This is a great toy that Max Berry found, And I'll have to remember to search out for more tetters.
I once remember in a language book that you had to practise using new worlds otherwise you'll forget them.

This is another great photo that works well with the one above to help you understand the mechanism and function of this toy.

And still yet another great photo!

This is a superb toy, and if I ever found one that I could actually afford, I'd buy it.
I wouldn't be buying it for collecting, but to play with.I'd be curious to see how it works, and of course, I'd have to use try dried grass rather than hay. I'd eventually sell it, to try and collect another toy.

Of course, I'd play with this tetter alone, or maybe with Buddy my dog.

You don't want to be "caught" playing with antique toys at 65 years of age - it's just not done, and of course, dogs do not know that this human behaviour (men playing with toys) is not often done!

Thanks for dropping by to visit,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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