Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Answer to Yesterday's Toy Mystery

Thursday, September 25, 2014
    Sunny with seasonally warm temperatures

The Answer to Yesterday's Toy Mystery

   Yesterday, I posted  a fabulous toy - a complex cast iron mechanical bank from the 1870's and later. I decided to post this post on the same day for those who follow my blog, but I will change the actual viewing tomorrow, so that for those reading it, they will actually be reading it on Wednesday. 

   I will add the answer to the "mystery" at the end of today's post. I was able to find another example of yesterday's toy from Dan Morphy, another fine American auctioneer. For this listing from Dan Morphy , there are 10 excellent photos to clearly show you the fine details of the toy.

A Big Clue to the Mystery:

Compared the branded (wood burnt) image of the toy on the box side in the two photos 
to the actual toy.

The answer to the mystery:

Yesterday's catalogue scam, and today's and yesterday's actual toys are different.
If you look at the wood burned impression on the side of the box, the illustration shows riders and sulkies and horses.  The actual toys have thoroughbreds and riders only!

I've sent an e-mail to The Mechanical Banks of America, an excellent resource for this special type of toy - the cast iron American mechanical bank.
Hopefully someone there will be able to answer my numerous question about his anomaly!

Thanks for dropping by to visit,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
'wherever you may be,

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