Sunday, September 28, 2014

The AC Gilbert Hudson No.8 Erector Set (History Lesson Included)

Sunday, September  28, 2014
  Continued exceptional autumn weather
             Sunny, mild winds, and hot

The AC Gilbert 
Hudson No. 8 Erector Set
(History Lesson Included)

   After I wrote the recent Marklin posts about their construction kits, I decided to see what other companies of the era had also manufactured similar items. The Marklin item were fine cars models of the era (1930's). However they were unique in the sense that they came in pieces and had to be built. Once built, the toy could be played with.  Manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and reading lessons to build the toy, and fun later!

   As I was to find out in this post, AC Gilbert built a fine Erector set, but their entry was a locomotive and tender.A tender is the train car that contains the coal for powering the steam engine locomotiveFor those who don't already know, or who haven't read my posts about Stout Auctions, the company's logo is  "America's Premier Toy train Auction Company". If you ever want to learn about toy trains, this is the place to go to, as I already know, but experienced  in today's post. Not only have they sold lots and lots of trains, but they also have an encyclopaedic knowledge to share.

What's most interesting is to read the written descriptions for the different auctions that these photos are from. By assembling them in chronological order (early to later years), I was able to present a brief history of the AC  Gilbert No. 8 Hudson Erector  Set.

There are many more sets that Stout Auctions have sold over the years, but I selected just 5 nice items to present today. What's interesting to note are the subtle changes both to the case that the toy came in, as well as subtle changes to the engine parts.

Today's post was fun to write because of the nice photography and the ability to see a toy that came with lots of detail. As well, the well-written descriptions provided me and I hope to you, my readers a nice history lesson!

Thanks for dropping by for a visit,
and as always, 
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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