Friday, September 19, 2014

Cast Iron Racers-Part 4-The Hubley Animated Racer

Saturday, September 20, 2014
     Sunny and still unseasonably cold

Cast Iron racers
Part 4
The Hubley Animated Racer

Of course, no discussion of cast iron racers would be complete without the Hubley cast iron "animated racer". I actually bought and sold one of these, and it's a most unique toy. I'll ass the post about it, so you can read how it works. Bertoia Auctions  is actually auctioning one today,and it's their nice photography that attracted my attention to this toy.

This green  Hubley Golden Arrow Racer is up for auction today. You can view it on Liveauctioneers, or at the Bertoia Auctions website.

Superb photography on the part of Bertoia Auctions!

Like the other manufacturers, you can see that Hubley also offered 
their racer sin a selection of different colours.

With this model below, notice that the wheels are nickel-plated disc wheels,which are different from the nickel-plated spoke wheels with black rubber tires. Although the disc wheels below have lasted longer than the spoke wheels with black rubber tires, I prefer the spoke wheels.

This is the final instalment of the 4-part series on the cast iron racers of the 1930's.
Below are my own links within this blog to the other 3 parts.

Please click here for Part I of the series

Please click here for Part 2 of the series

Thanks for dropping by to visit,
and as always,
ave a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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