Friday, August 22, 2014

"Unmarked"- A Collector and Auction Term

  Friday, August 22, 2014
Mostly cloudy and slightly cooler than normal

A Collector and Auction Term

  Almost 100% of the time, I have written descriptions of toys with their brand-name (the actual name of the manufacturer). However, yesterday,as I was browsing Liveauctioneers, I came across the word "unmarked". The term "unmarked" means that the seller or art historian cannot authenticate (verify) or attribute the name of the item to a particular  manufacturer or artist.  The term is used to protect both the "something else". As I researched further, I found close to 1000 unmarked toys from the huge database on Liveauctioneers

A question at hand might be whether or not the toy can be attached to a particular manufacture from how it was made or the colour scheme, or how close it actually resembles the "marked" toy. Another question might be whether the toy has value or not.

   I didn't want to fill today's post with several "unmarked" toys, so I chose a most unique band beautiful automaton that Bertoia Auctions had sold on November 11, 2011 with the item being # 81. For those who don't know, an automaton is a mechanical toy or collectible that has an intricate series of hidden chains and gears within it,. It's usually wound up by a key, and when activated, it performs a whole series of movements.



Extraordinary, all original key wind musical mechanical doll in exquisite late 1870's colorful dress with unmarked bisque head by either Bru or Barrois mounted on a metal green painted base, similar to but much more elaborate and complicated than these found on the "Theroude" made toys/dolls, when wound the doll moves along the floor, moves her head and strums the mandolin as music plays, on the base of the mechanism there is an original hand written label, probably the name of the song and the composer, it looks to be as follows: "La Marjolaine Quadrille No. 2," "Les Dragons de Vollars, Eh voyez, voyez," as typical of "Theroude" pieces, it has two metal wheels in back and one in front in the center, it comes with the original wooden packing crate, designed specifically to accommodate the long train of the skirt. 16" h (40 cm).

As you can read from the description above, and the photos below, this is no ordinary toy doll.
It's an exceptional and unique collectible with  lots of hand-made parts, and a complicated series of movements to compliment the beautify of the doll.

Of course, not all "unmarked" toys  as as rare,unique, or valuable as today's presentation. Nevertheless, if you like something, by all means buy it, especially if the price is right.

Thanks for dropping by to visit,
and as always,
Have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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