Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Salesman's Sample Hay Loader

Wednesday, August 27, 2014
                Still sunny and very hot

The Salesman's Sample
Hay Loader

   When I started to get permission to use other people's and auctioneer's photos, One of the fine auctioneers that I went to was James D. Julia, Inc. auctioneers, in Maine, U.S.A. The company had all of the criteria that I needed for my blog. Excellent photography., lots of photos, lots of toys, and extensive descriptions. However, I had one of those "Eureka Moments", when I first saw something that I never had seen before, or even new existed - the salesman's model

   A "salesman's sample" is an accurate but scaled-down version of a real item. In the case of American Salesman's models,most of them are machinery. The reason for these 19th and early 20th century models was the fact that the railroad was the main mans of access to the states and small cities all over America. As such, the "travelling salesman", travelled mostly by rail, and brought his downsized models with him. The models usually came in a hardwood box to protect the precious cargo.

   The salesman's sample is not a toy, but if I could ever afford them, they'd be my toys! Accurate to the smallest details, mechanical movements, and most very old and true antiques.

   After I posted yesterday about the French Citroen  Hay Truck, I immediately went to James D. Julia's website to see if I could find a salesman's sample of a hay loader. Sure enough, I did, and that's what I'm presenting today. As for that French hay truck, I'm still unsure how the truck would be loaded. Did the French and Americans have those hay bailer machines that  made rectangular bales of hay? The Citroen truck presented yesterday appeared to look like a 1930's-early 1940's truck. Todays' salesman's sample would appear to be an early model from the early 1900's since it is described as having been pulled by a team of horses.

It is possible that an early hay loader  with a team of horses could be used with a hay truck, but unlikely in Europe with an American loader and a French Hay truck.  So I'm still left to search for a 1930's hay loader and truck - both American or Both French.I'll keep this on my mind as I search out more toys to write about. However, this is a real search that would require lots of investigation and work! 

There's always work to do on the farm, er desktop ! 

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