Monday, August 11, 2014

Check the "Checkers" on the Taxi Cab

Wednesday, August 13, 2014
                   Cloud and raining

Check the "Checkers"
on the Taxi Cab

    I decided to check one of my reference books last night before I went  to bed.  I don;t refer to them often enough, so I decided on a whim to do so. Sure enough, I came across some nice toys to write about. If you read my 2 posts on cast iron taxis last week, I wrote about the most common yellow and black taxis (which the toy companies made into orange and black), as well as other colours. Anyway, as I was looking in the reference book, I came across some very rare Arcade cast iron taxis. They were rare because they were much more elaborate than the 1920's I had written about, and they were rare because of a change in a detail on one of the models. I'll explain below when you see the photos.

It's hard to read the word "Checkers" on the front of the cab where the visor (sun protector) is.
THis toy has the word "Checkers" embossed there, but later on, the real taxi cab manufacturer, removed this feature from their cars. So Arcade followed suit in the same manner.

The grille certainly is beautiful and has lots of fine features with the horizontal grill lines, and the well-crafted headlights. The numbers were also designed well, since they also are well detailed and not so large and thick as the earlier toys.

The model below is actually painted in yellow overall, and does not have the word "Checkers" on the visor. You can see the writing in the last photos above, but being such an acute camera angle, it's hard to read.

If you return to the earlier 1920's taxis in my previous posts, you'll see how the cars and taxis evoked over a period of 10 years. Both the real cars and the toys became much more beautiful as time progressed.

Thanks for dropping bgy,
and always, 
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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