Sunday, July 13, 2014

Z & k Antiques - Their Fine Mack Truck

Sunday, July 13, 2014
          (post # 2 of the day)
      Overcast and very humid

   I can't believe that it's been 18 months since I wrote my post about this fine antique store owned by Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner. I had found their excellent website Z & k Antiques back then while looking for old toys. Bob and Heidi  sell what they describe on their logo as "Unusual Americana". The description is very descriptive, but the quality of the merchandise and the website are to me "a class act". I was thinking how I could describe the store, and my analogy would be to mention the Smithsonian Museum and the Van Goth Museum together. Both are exceptional, but each is different.  Z & k Antiques has a fine selection of different categories of "Unusual Americana" but in a smaller number than large auction houses.  What's great, is that whenever I visit, I stop and look at most of the items,and even read the descriptions! They do have  a great selection of antiques, great descriptions, and of course, excellent photography.

   I have to admit, that their website actually gave me some impetus (motivation) to present their nice photos in a slightly different style for the watermark and copyright notice. I might even do this for the people and companies that have special type and logos for future posts!

   This is my second post of the day. The earlier one was of Mr. George Murphey, and his fine photo collection of old Mack trucks. I had emphasized the chain-driven rear wheels, and wanted to find a nice antique toy to match the photos. I was very fortunate to find a beautiful match on  
Z & k Antiques.


"An Arcade Cast Iron Mack Dump Truck
Original Blue Paint, 12" Long 

Circa 1926-1931:
12" Long, Original Blue Paint. Highly desirable. all original and complete with
 dual wheels in the rare and lift apparatus intact. Marked in the making underneath."*
* Description Courtesy of Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner

Metric Length:    305 mm

Thanks for visiting,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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