Thursday, July 24, 2014

More of the Rarest Mechanical Hubley Cast Iron toys

Friday, July 25, 2014
   Sunny,clear, hot and humid

More of the Rarest
Mechanical Hubley Cast Iron Toys

   Yesterday, I presented one of the rarest Hubley cast Iron motorcycles that exist today. I thought I'd follow up with a few more rarest of the rare early Hubley mechanical cast iron toys. Their rarity, as I mentioned yesterday, is probably attributable to several factors. On of these is the few numbers that were produced, as well as the condition that today's toys are. I would guess that being the 1930's with the Great Depression to come, toys were not a big priority for most families. Furthermore, to buy a mechanical Hubley toy would have been even a lot more costly.

 The  gear underneath the top photo is quite large. These toys were quite heavy,
 and the mechanism had to be strong in order to move these toys.

If anyone actually has one of these toys, would you do me and our readers a big favour, and send me photos of the toy, and especially the motor (wind-up) mechanism. The wind-up had to be strong to move this toy, since it was quite heavy, and it would be nice to see the fine details of this.

Thanks for dropping by to visit,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night
wherever you may be,

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