Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Great Old American Toy Airplanes

Tuesday, July 8, 2014
              Sunny and hot

Great Old American To Airplanes

   One of the things I like to do when writing blogs, is to return to people and companies who have permitted me to use their nice photos. I don't always remember to do this, and  I missed a nice opportunity to help Stout Auctions broadcast one of their fine auctions that was posted from 
April 5- 26, 2014. I'll have to be more remindful next time!

The reason for today's post title is the fact that Stout Auctions is a major auctioneer in the vintage and antique and modern model train  business. However, they will sell other types of toys, and this is another important principal" that I've learned to follow.  Just because a company or collector writes that he/she sells mostly one type of toy, does not mean that they don;t sell other types!

Did I mention that Stout Auctions takes excellent photographs for their listed items?
They take  plenty of photos to present all of the features of each item up for auction.

I almost didm;t use this item. However, when I looked closer, the engine cylinders on this listed are copper-coloured, compared with the aluminum-coloured and aluminum metal cylinders of the first  Buddy L monocoupe airplane.

Readers have written to me to ask if old toys should be restored and repainted.
The item above answer that question. The toy may not have received the highest bidding, but both the seller and the final winning bidder had interests in the restored toy.

Whomever collected this grouping of old American airplanes certainly must have spent a lot of time to find these beautiful toys. And for those winning bidders, they will keep these toys for the future time. That's the nice thing about collecting old toys - there will always be someone who will want to collect!

Thanks for visiting,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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