Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Reader Asks for Help with his Racing Cars

Wednesday, July 3,2014
   (post # 2 of the day)
   Overcast, hot with potential rain

A Reader Asks for Help
with his Racing Cars

   After I visit Tim Horton's for a coffee and muffin and chat with several friends there, I return home to walk my dog Buddy. After that, I settle down to the computer and check my mail . This morning I received several no thank you e-mails from people who didm;t want  me to use their photos.  However, the good news was that I had an interesting e-mail from someone who wanted to know if I knew who might have made his newly-acquired purchase. Mr. Mark Beamer had sent me photos of nice-sized toy racers, but I didn't know who might have made them.  They looked like those 1920's-1940's  American gas powered tethered cot racers. However they didn't have places to attach cord, not small engines to run them.  I tried to improve the image quality,and sent Mark the edited image with the old one, and asked if I might write a post. Perhaps someone might be able to identify the manufacturer. Mark answered, and gave me the "OK" to post. So this is the pot asking anyone if they might help in the identification of these interesting toys.

 The cars measure about 9 3/8" or 240 mm.
Also, there is an internal steering mechanism to allow the cars to turn.

It's possible that the toys might have been home-made, or made by a hobbyist.

Here's a nice photo of the underside of the car.
You can see the cable linkage from the steering wheel to the right wheel connection.

They're quite sophisticated to be able to turn with that linkage of the steering wheel to the front wheel, and they are made quite well.

So, if someone out there can help Mark and myself, this would be a nice story to follow.

I once posted a car similar to this but without the steering. I'll have to find the photos and add them here , and see if that will help with the search for the ID's of these 2 interesting toys.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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