Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Lindstrom Toy Outboard Engine

 Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Sunny, clear skies, very hot & humid

A Lindstrom Toy Outboard Engine

   Yesterday, I think I discovered a new toy company by the name of Lindstrom. It had been sold by Mr. Nathan Forman who goes by the name of ToyClaus on ebay.  I wrote a "revisit" post yesterday about Nathan and a fine Smith-Miller fire  truck. Nathan is an excellent ebay seller, and he takes lots of photos for each item up for sale, even when some items may now be as high-priced as others. 

   Today's item is my new American company discovery - Lindstrom. I went to one of my excellent old toy reference sites to find information on this company. I had written about Harmjan Heeling on September 12, 2013,  which today seems so long ago. Harmjan's site on ebay is an excellent resource to read about old toy companies. His company is named  fabtintoys and you can find his ebay website by clicking on the link below where it says "please click here….". 

Lindstrom Tool & Toy Co.

Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1913-early 1940s (resumed production after WWII).
Produced (mechanical) toys, games and phonographs made of pressed-steel and tin. Also produced an amusement-park type model: the "Doodle Bug" bumper 
* Description Courtesy of Mr. Harmjan Heeling

   I admire Nathan's fortitude and dedication to presenting his merchandise in a consistent and excellent manner. Today's item is old,but is not necessarily valuable. Nevertheless, Nathan spent the time and effort to present this fine item in his usual excellent manner.  I try to do this on my blog, and I know how hard and dedicated one must be to try and present your material in the best manner possible!


A 1920's lithographed tin mechanical wind-up motor made 
by the Lindstrom  Tool & Toy Company

Nathan is selling many of his own personal toys from his many years of collecting.

I like the "brake" for stopping the motor.

 The 2 images above excellently show you how the motor operates.
For a 1930 toy part it still works!

I always like when I can look at a set of photographs and understand how a particular toy operates.
With Nathan and his  Toyclaus store on ebay, I know I can always visit to figure out how a toy works. Not only do I get to see Nathan's fine toys for sale, and write about them, but I can understand how they work!

What more could I ask for?

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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