Saturday, May 31, 2014

Watrous Bell Toys of Wood

Saturday, May 31, 2014
                 Sunny and warm

Watrous Bell Toys of Wood

   Earlier this week, I  received an e-mail from a viewer. He had a 1922 Gong Bell toy and wanted to know it's rarity and value. As I'm not an expert in most toys, I wrote to someone who knows a lot about these toys - he's actually a distant relative of the Watrous Bell toy company founders. His name is Mr. Robert Watrous. He wrote back to say that the toy was not that rare, and provided information that I forwarded to the reader.

  Robert Watrous has an excellent web site with Gong Bell toys, and other brands. Most of the Gong Bell toys were pull toys that "pinged" or "chimed" when they were pulled. I've written about the early all-metal Gong toys, but here the reader had asked about a combination metal and wood. That gave me an idea to write about the wood and metal Gong toys for today.

Bob's Logo on his website

All of the toys presented today are  made of metal with lithographed paper glued on to wood cutout designs. They also all chime!

The one above is all metal. If you go to my previous post on Bob's  fine toys, you'll see an entire post just on the all-metal versions of his famous relatives. It's great to see how Bob has been able to collect so many fine toys, and to share them with us.

Please click here to visit my previous post on Bob Watrous and his great collection

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