Thursday, May 29, 2014

Skoglund & Olsen - Swedish Cast Iron Toys

Thursday, May 29, 2014
  Sunny with clear skys and warmer

Skoglund & Olsen- 
Swedish Cast Iron Toys

   When I first started to write about toys, I thought that only America had produced cast iron toys in   the 1890-s-1930's. So you can imagine how surprised I was when I came across a Swedish cast iron toy that was made by Skoglund & Olsen. I've presented a "smidgen" of these nice toys while I introduced several of the fine American auctioneers and sellers on my blog. However, I don't think that I ever presented just  the Skoglund & Olsen toys by themselves. So for today, I'm presenting a nice small grouping from Bertoia Auctions.

 I like the added  texture on the hood and the side of this racer. I also like the disc wheels. 
You can see the same disc wheels on the firetruck below, and through all of th toys presented today.

These cast iron toys certainly are quite nice.
If any of my Swedish readers or anyone else has a Skuglund & Olsen  catalogue, might you send me a copy. I'll gladly improve the images, and present them to everyone. 

It's a great day out, and I now have to go and mow the lawn!

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night
wherever you may be.

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