Monday, May 12, 2014

A Fantastic and Rare Panoramic Set of Toys

Monday, May 12, 2014
      Cold and Clear @ 5:00 a.m.
   Sun and wearer later in the day

A Fantastic and Rare
Panoramic Set of Toys

 I recently wrote about wonderful lead soldiers composing to auction from Bonhams, the famous and renowned auction house in great Britain, and around the work. 

Here's the link below:

 I  wanted to resent this remarkable and rare item up for auction buy itself, because of its rarity and its exceptional interest and content of Arctic life.

I screen captured the actual listing of this item and let Mr. James Opie,  one of  the specialist of the  toy and dolls department at Bonhams. What fantastic is how the items of the panoramic capture life in the Arctic at that time. What's even more fascinating is that the Arctic (North Pole)  had finally been visited by explorers as early as 1909 by the American Perry.

The written description by Mr. Opie is certainly interesting, but its the breadth and depth of the research that make this item so much more interesting and valuable.

For today's post, I decided to present to you the original screen capture, and what I did to make the images easier to say. I have to say though, that my "improvements" most certainly may not be 100% accurate in terms of colour-balance, contrast and so forth. However, they are easier to view.

 What's mosat intriguing are both the many different animals,and of course the many different indigenous people in the panorama. At that time, the people were called Eskimos", but tosday we call them Inuit, after their own name, rather than the anglicized one.
 That's the company label of the panorama

Here's a close-up (magnification)
Soldats de Plomb" translated into English means "lead soldiers".

Here's the same image as I presented before. I placed it here so that you wouldn't have to scroll all the way up to the top of today's post/
 Polar bears, caribou, penguins, fired fish (halibut) ,and huskies, a cormorant (black bird), and of course the Inuit People.

Please read the  footnote paragraph that James Opie wrote. That is even interesting!

The bottom left side of the panoramic box

A whale, seals, and the Inuit
The bottom middle and right side of the panoramic box.
The detail of the weapons, and of course the landscape compliments this "treasure".

I'd like to go up to the Arctic, of course a great part of it is Canada and the Inuit People. Northern Quebec, Ontario, and the NorthWest Territories are all part of a beautiful and still relatively clean,, and not yet landscaped with oil rigs, and gargantuan mines. 

Even the North though is becoming popular among travellers, 
and if you can you should get to see it.

The fantastic item up for auction is fantastic, but the real" treasure is to be found up North!
If you were able to travel in mid-June (if you can travel at that time) or early July, you'd find that the sun never really sets and the landscapes are lit day and night by the sun and light from the sun.
Of course, you'd want to sleep at some time!

Thanks for dropping by,
and always, 
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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