Sunday, April 20, 2014

Two More Superb Tom Sehloff Cars

  Sunday, April 20, 2014
(Sunny with some cloud and warmer)

Two More Superb
Tom Sehloff Cars

   Later this week, the weather is going to get cold- again!  Up here in the colder climates, you have to catch the warm days to do your springs chores. So today was raking and leaf blowing. Earlier in the week, I dropped off my lawn mower and edge trimmer at the local pro lawn car machinery store for tuneups. I ended up pulling a groin muscle because I didn't lit the lawn mower properly into the trunk of my small Toyota Corolla! It's now about 17:45 P.M. EST (Eastern Standard Time), and I'm writing. 

   I almost didn't write today because readership is low. I'm sure with easter and Passover, as well as the warm weather, not everyone stays inside to read a toy blog! But if you write, you have some responsibility to your readers to write. So, about 2 hours ago, I looked around, and lo and behold, I saw a few Tom Sehloff cast iron "gems". Tom Sehloff is a modern-era craftsman who produces exceptional retro cast iron toys. Some of his magnificent creations are unique and his own design, while others are also unique, but more readily identified.  I've added links to my revioud 2 post about Tom for you to redirect.

I just found Tom Sehloff's e-mail address, so I'll have to see if I can contact him.
He lives in Oregon (USA). As a blogger, it's always worth the effort when you can find something that you really like and like to share with everyone.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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