Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Some of Bertoia Auction's Recent Cast Iron Items

Tuesday, April 1, 2014
            (Sunny and cool)

Some of Bertoia Auction's
Recent Cast Iron  Items

   This past weekend, Bertoia Auctions had their first auction of 2014. I selected some once items for today's post. They're all early 1920's, but for now (1910's). They're not the rarest or the most valuable, but to me their beautiful to look at.

You can easily see the similarities of the above .3 cast iron trucks. What I like best of all are the rounded  bars that surround the passengers.

What's nice about this particular truck is that there is a combination of cast iron and  pressed steel. 
Also, the driver is African-American. The gold painted trim adds a noise contrast to the overall grey colour of the truck body.

 I've seen this toy before, but decided to select it for today. It certainly is very "different looking" and interesting to look at. 

So that's it for April 1, 2014 - short and sweet. THe weather is starting to get nicer (finally), 
and I spent a bit more time outdoors, even though the temperature was still cold.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always, have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
Please feel free to write to me at:

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