Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Bertoia Auction of Many Exceptional Bell Toys

Sunday, April 6, 2014
  (Finally, sunny and it's going 
          to be +10C or 50F)

A Bertoia Auctions
of Many Exceptional Bell Toys

The interesting thing about writing a blog about a topic that you like is that you get a "free education" Not only that, but you get to see things that you never saw before, or never heard about. I was born in 1948.  I never heard of cast iron toys, especially the mechanical banks and today's topic of Bell toys. Many of these toys were made in from the early 1890's until the mid 1920's and even a bit later. Like the mechanical banks that I wrote about yesterday, each different toy might have a different way of ringing the bell, and many of the toys were like the banks - whimsical (comical and amusing).

 Keep in mind the wheels and their design, as you look at the series of photos for today. Many of them are different in their design and patterns. Certain toys can be identified as to who their manufacturer was but the wheel design.

Not all of the bell toys were colourful. This one  mostly a brown-toned toy.

Like the mechanical banks, the bell toys would sometimes be modelled after famous people, famous legendary and national characters. Story and biblical character would also be used.

 The colour selection for the buffalo toy is beautiful, of course along with the marvellous detailed textures.

I've presented this great toy before, but I never get tired of just how the dog jumps through the hoop and back. Of course, I favour this toy, because I have a white poodle (Buddy), and he's very smart. 
I don't say that because he's my dog. He actually can learn new things at the age of 12, and I think he used the reflections of movement on some of my photos on the den wall, to see when I'm ready to come out of my lower computer room.Smart! Instead of running up and down, he looks at the movement in the glass that protects the photos!  

Here's another beautiful toy. I think the "Captain and the Kids" were cartoon charters in newspapers. Once again, the colour theme of red, yellow, and blue is beautiful. I especially like the peaks of hair that each of the boys have, and the design of the toy. The spreading out of the Captain to hold on to the front and rear axle wheels is just genius" of design!

The sun's not up yet as I'm writing today's post. I'm about to finish at about 06:10 A.M. EST.
I hope you'll be having the great weather as I will here in Montreal,Quebec, Canada.
+10 C (50F) and sunny!

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,
Please feel free to write to me anytime at:

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