Friday, April 25, 2014

1930's Kenton Tandem Trucks and Trailers

Friday, April 25, 2014
       (Sunny and cooler, 
warming up later in the day)

1930's Kenton Tandem Trucks and Trailers

  Yesterday, I answered a question from a lady who thought her toy was a "reproduction". I had asked her Betty Watkins to send me photos and I would try to compare an "authentic" toy to hers. As it turned out, the toy, in my opinion was a "reproduction". You can read the post if you click below:

   In searching for a real and authentic item as Betty's,  I found similar items but with different parts attachments. What I'm talking about are 1930's Kenton cast Iron trucks and tandem trailers. As it turned out, Betty's Kenton truck was pulling a tandem ice trailer. In my search, I found coal , stake, and oil and gas tandem trailers.

Bertoia Auctions true authentic 1930's Kenton Truck with Tandem Ice Trailer

The truck is the same for all of the images presented today.

If you look at all of the trailer attachments to the truck, they are all the same.
The have a bent-over hook. 
What's  different with the above truck is the fact that the tires and wheels are in 2 parts - 
rubber tires on wood wheels (hubs). All of the other trucks have nickel-plated disc wheels.

Several tandem trailers could be purchased, separate from the truck. Consequently, a child could form  "mini-trains" of the same trailers (all coal) or mix and match.

The above tandem is an oil and gas trailer.
The rectangular vertical slot at the back would be for another trailer to be hooked behind it.

I always am amazed at the quality of these toys "way back when", especially the nickel-plated wheels that for the most part are rust free.

Thanks for visiting,
and as always,
have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.

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